Michelle first discovered her passion for painting when she attended the Art & Art History program at the University of Toronto. After graduating, she furthered her studies with Interpretative Illustration at Sheridan College and pursued commercial art for several years before solely concentrating on her love of oil painting.

Moving north to Alliston, Ontario, she began to experiment with her approach to painting and it has since evolved into a distinct style of semi-abstract narratives. Developing her imagery and composition is an exciting first step in the process of creating her paintings with most ideas and thoughts worked out on the canvas. Her focus on free-flowing line and shape create a continuity of movement and connectedness throughout each piece. This blend of imagery gives the paintings their surrealistic quality and presents a narrative or story that is open to interpretation and unique perspectives.

Member of:

Ontario Society of Artists ontariosocietyofartists.org

SOVA (Southern Ontario Visual Artists) southernontariovisualartists.com

Headwaters Arts. headwatersarts.org

South Simcoe Arts Council southsimcoeartscouncil.com